Meet our little fawn friend! She is on her way to a wonderful rehabber to grow up with other fawns. Sometimes these guys need to be saved and brought to a rehabbers, and sometimes they need to be left alone. Let’s walk through both possibilities and see if your fawn needs help, or if you are about to fawnnap it.
wildlife care
How To Tell Squirrel Ages
How did the turtle cross the road? With your help!
If you’re running into a lot of these guys trying to get from one side of the road to another, please take a look at …
Bunnies Are The Cutest
I just thought that its important to share some cute bunny love! [wpvideo V4Pkpdxn]
Possibility the Opossum
This is a happy ending story. A member of the public called about a juvenile opossum that was dropped from a bird into their backyard. …
Wind blown squirrels and what to do with them
With all of this windy weather we are sure to get some baby squirrels who have fallen from the nest. Not to worry though! These …
First Cottontail Of The Year
Here at AERO we typically get lots of baby bunnies but occasionally do end up with some injured adult rabbits as well. This is one …
Squirrel cuteness of the day
We have had one heck of a week here at A.E.R.O. We have had so many babies come in. Mostly squirrels, tis the season. We …
Wildlife Rehabbing with Squirrels
Over the past year AERO has added a wildlife rehabbing branch. We have been working NON STOP since spring with all kinds of baby animals. …